For all press enquiries please contact:
Rainer Zitelmann
Phone: +44 (0) 7795 672706

Dr. Zitelmann, Author of The Wealth Elite: In London For A Series Of Top Level Media Interview & Roundtable
18th & 19th April 2018

The Wealth Elite
What makes the ultra-rich tick? Is there a specific mind set? Are they meticulous planners? Or is their wealth just simply a by-product of their entrepreneurial ventures?

LID Radio Episode 82: The Wealth Elite
Author of The Wealth Elite Rainer Zitelmann joins us to talk about his new book and groundbreaking study into the mindset of the super rich.
"In his new book, The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich, the historian Rainer Zitelmann attempts an empirical investigation into the link between personality traits and the creation of enormous wealth. He suggests there are five overriding characteristics of self-made multimillionaires: they are optimistic; they are nonconformists; they are driven by gut instinct, not business analysis; they are likely to have been athletic in their youth; and they are good at selling and did sales work of one sort or another when they were growing up. Having been partners with dozens of highly successful entrepreneurs, I thin these highlights are well observed."
Luke Johnson, THE SUNDAY TIMES, May 13, 2018
The Wealth Elite: A groundbreaking study of the psychology of the super rich
By Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann
Global Banking & Finance Review, May 18, 2018.
The Personality Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs - Rainer Zitelmann
EnSpirit, 6th June 2018.
These are the personality attributes you need to become a billionaire
Family Capital, 13th June 2018.
Zitelmann Provides Fascinating Insights Into the Entrepreneurial Mind in Trailblazing Book, “The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich", 25th June 2018.
Lessons on Life and Business
Interview with Dr Rainer Zitelmann, expert Real Estate Investor and Author
By Pushkar Kumar
Thrive Global, 20. July 2018
Elite Wealth Interview with Rainer Zitelmann
The Fintech Time
Charting the rise of Eastern Europe’s ultra-high-net-worth individuals
by Courtney Goldsmith, EuropeanCEO

BOOK REVIEW: The Wealth Elite
by Tom Burroughes, August 9, 2018
Character Traits Of 'The Wealth Elite'
Interview with Dr. Dr. Zitelmann by Gil Weinreich
Book presentation in the Financial Times
TV-Talkshow in China about THE WEALTH ELITE (statements from Rainer Zitelmann in English), August 2018
Chinese media coverage of Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann’s promotional tour of five Chinese cities in August 2018 (in English).
A Few Notes on The Wealth Elite
CXO Advisory Group
THE WEALTH ELITE by Rainer Zitelmann
Book Review on Indiereader
Guest article on Foreign Policy News
“I’d like to start an “I love capitalism” movement” With Dr. Rainer Zitelmann
Interview on Thrive Global
What my book tour across 5 Chinese cities taught me about the aspirations of young Chinese citizens
Guest Article on Foreign Policy News
The Wealth Elite – On Taking Risks, Swimming Against The Tide, And Harnessing Failure
Guest Article on
The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich
Which Investing Style Is Right for You?
US News & World Report, 15. October 2018
Book Review: The Wealth Elite
"Rainer Zitelmann’s study of the psychology of the super rich is an ambitious project. Few could be better qualified for it than Dr Zitelmann – an historian, sociologist, journalist, businessman and investor. There has been no comparable study and it is a compelling read for all who need to understand the characteristics and motivations of rich entrepreneurs. These people drive economic growth, back innovation, create jobs and finance philanthropic projects. So why has such a study never been attempted before? It is hard to access these people and design questionnaires that generate a meaningful response."
Michael Maslinski, FINANCAL TIMES, October 24th, 2018
Book Review: The Wealth Elite
Campden FB (Family Business) Magazine has included a review of The Wealth Elite on page 66 of the latest issue (below). Please click on the button below:
The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich
Manhattan Book Review: 5 Star-Review:
"The Wealth Elite is a complete, educational analysis of successful and wealthy entrepreneurs. All topics are covered in depth with research to back up Dr. Zitelmann’s findings....
I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the psychology behind the wealthy."
Personality traits, experiences and attitudes of the super-rich, with Dr Rainer Zitelmann
Here are two segments from an interview about THE WEALTH ELITE (by Rainer Zitelmann), which aired nationally across a number of Canadian radio stations on October 28, including stations in Toronto and affiliate stations in Ottawa, St Catherines and Vancouver.
Book reviews: Robert Kuok: A memoir, The Wealth Elite, Passing the Torch
By Nicholas Moody, Susan Lingeswaran, Camden FB, 26 November 2018
The Wealth Elite
Guest article on, 5 December 2018

Radio-Interview with Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, BBC Radio Scotland, Dec. 10, 2018.

Radio-interview with Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann, Siren FM, Dec. 13, 2018.

Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann: Interview with BBC Radio Guernsey (18. Dec. 2018)
Are There Psychological Traits Common To Ultra-Wealthy Entrepreneurs?
Guest article on, 17 December 2018
Book reviews "The Wealth Elite" and "The Power of Capitalism"
by Tom Burroughes on Wealth Briefing, 21 December 2018
Book excerpt: The Wealth Elite
Luxury Daily, December 17, 2018
Interview with Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann in MARKET WATCH about his book THE WEALTH ELITE
MarketWatch operates a financial information website that provides business news, analysis, and stock market data. It is a subsidiary of Dow Jones , a property of News Corp, which also owns The Wallstreet Journal. MarketWatch is part of the Dow Jones Media Group, along with Barron's. The publication reported it hit a record 33.3 million unique visitors in February 2018.
Jan. 10, 2019
Byline article by Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann
Jan. 2019, CITY AM, London
The case for freer markets
"German academic Rainer Zitelmann thinks critics of capitalism overlook the extent to which free markets have generated prosperity. His book looks at multiple case studies to make his point about the superiority of markets ... The book is well written and gives a good, concise summary of the case for freer markets."
Money Week. The UK's best-selling financial magazine, 18.Jan. 2019
New Study Finds What Makes The Super Rich Tick
"The self-help genre is littered with books telling you how to get rich or become successful in easy, manageable steps. But this vast publishing industry, now worth $800 million and growing six percent per year according to Marketdata, has a major flaw. It rarely studies those that have actually become rich and successful.... This (Zitelmanns) research should, therefore, be seen as an antithesis to any self-help guide to becoming wealthy."
Forbes, 20 Feb 2019
Book Review: The Wealth Elite
by Karen O’Hanlon, ‘The Wealth Elite’, STEP Journal (Vol27 Iss2), p.74
Understanding Richie Rich
Rainer Zitelmann, Article in Ivey Business Journal Jan/Feb. 2019
About Ivey Business Journal
Founded in 1922, the Ivey Business School is an international leader in case teaching and cross-enterprise leadership that offers degree programs at the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate levels as well as open enrolment and customized executive development programs. Based in a state-of-the-art building on the campus of Western University in London, Ontario, with learning centres in Toronto, Hong Kong and Mumbai, Ivey’s mission is “to develop business leaders who think globally, act strategically and contribute to the societies in which they operate.” Ivey Business Journal is a resource for business professionals and students read in more than 150 countries by an audience primarily comprised of C-suite executives, corporate directors, managers and academics. Launched as The Quarterly Review of Commerce in 1933, IBJ was created to “serve as a source of excellent reading material for the alert business executive.” With a focus on improving the practice of management, IBJ contributes to Ivey’s mission by publishing exclusive executive interviews along with a mix of feature articles and IBJ Insights written by a global cadre of business professionals and thought leaders.
Interview mit Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann auf BBC Radio Cumbria
15. April 2019
Interview mit Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann auf BBC Radio Scotland
17. April 2019
Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann talks about THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SUPER-RICH
LibertyCon, Washington 2019 - Uploaded at 05. May 2019
Interview with Dr. Dr. Zitelmann about the Psychology of the superrich
Interview with Dr. Dr. Zitelmann about the Psychology of the superrich, BB Radio Ulster, 11. May 2019
Personality Traits Of The Super Rich With Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann - Interview By Anthony S. Park
26. September 2019
Personality Traits Of The Super Rich With Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann - Interview By Anthony S. Park
LePoint - Phébé, 28. October 2019
A researcher who interviewed 45 millionaires and billionaires found that they all shared a similar trait: a problem with authority
Taylor Nicole Rogers, A researcher who interviewed 45 millionaires and billionaires found that they all shared a similar trait: a problem with authority,, 09. Dezember 2019
January 2020
The Switzer Show, 26. January 2020
The personality traits of rich people. Interview with an Australian radio station.
Rainer Zitelmann, The Psychology of the Super Rich, The Economic Standard, 04. August 2020
The Don Watkins Show, February 2021

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